This is the third year I have photographed this family who is dear to my heart. As they arrived, I opened their car door and told them I will be devasted if they are ever not looking forward to seeing me, as much as I am them. They hid it well if they were already at that point and allowed me to kiss each of them! The boys thought it was fantastically funny that I was wearing a fanny pack (bum bag)! Which their sister then announced was very much in fashion (we did then figure out that I may have had it before it came into fashion).
I was advised that the youngest Josh is no longer a baby, to which I replied, I needed him to be the baby in my life regardless of how old he is. This gorgeous boy’s last words to me when I photographed them last year were “When are you coming back? Will you come back for Christmas?” Yes Joshie, with love like that you will have my heart forever.
The Mumma of this fantastic tribe, rolls with the chaos, adventure and fun of these five like it is her greatest delight in life…and it is. Each year I am always drawn to capturing the joy that her five children bring her.
She doesn’t sweat the small stuff. Such as the discovery of a small pick axe by the eldest (look for the photo that shows his delight in the find). She certainly does notice it, and mentions that it could have been used to dig someone’s toilet hole. But sees no child is at risk and moves on. The request of her kids swinging out on the rope swing in their good clothes and no towels doesn’t bother her. She simply suggests that we get the shots we need before they give it a go. Which several of them did, as well as the Mumma herself!
Note that she is wearing a white long dress and manages that swing beautifully.
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