Townsville Mum goes on National Television
Here is something about me…I don’t take myself too seriously…I can’t afford to with the amount of ridiculous things I do. Don’t be mistaken…I am often called intense by my Big Love…I convert that to “passionate”. Sounds so much better. I think the combination of those two qualities is what landed me a position on Recipe to Riches several years ago (2014 to be exact) in the second series.
Prior to auditioning for the show I had a “Just Brownies” stall at our local farmers market every two weeks. Each market was a sell out and my greatest joy from the market was all the incredibly customers that supported my journey.
Auditioning for a Golden Ticket
I was excited to apply for Recipe to Riches when I saw the ad calling for applications and then when the next stage of applications were emailed I decided not to go any further. They rang me and encouraged me to continue with my application, which I did and within 24 hours I was offered an audition in Brisbane a few days later. My biggest brownie supporting sister came along with me. I was terrified of rejection, but also so excited about all the possibilities.
We made friends in the hours of waiting and finally proceeded to the room that was set up in three stages. I basically approached each panel with the mind set of I was staying with them until they told me I could move on to the next rather than then being told I was unsuccessful. I made it through with great excitement and cried a great big ugly happy excited cry. Leaving the auditions with a golden ticket!
The Big Filming of the Show
A few more months later I received the date of when I would go to Sydney for filming. I couldn’t take anyone with me for this part. Never any pressure from my Big Love except to have fun and enjoy the experience…I truly have the most incredible husband.
Long story short… my bake off was probably the most eventful of the show, I had ovens turn off…crashed pans…was flinging $300 French praline all over the place and looked like I wasn’t even going to get all the brownies done! At the end I turned to one of the judges, told him he was tall like my husband and asked to hug him.
Desperately longing to have my loves with me as I am not one who likes to do life alone! First off the show was me. I cried and cried and cried…I might have spared you from these details, however if you watch the show you saw it all! But left feeling so incredibly grateful for the opportunity and proud that I gave it a go. So proud that I could say to my kids…it’s okay to give things a go…even if it doesn’t work out the way we want it to…it’s okay to be really brave and look like a fool on national tv…that takes bravery.
Anyway…all to this to give you a bit more into a glimpse of who I am …a really brave passionate girl willing to turn up regardless of outcome…and here is the recipe for my brownies. I hope they bring your families much joy and that they become the request for every function you have to attend as they have for me.
So here it is exactly as I submitted to the show…
Just Brownies Recipe
Dark Choc
125 grams melted butter 2 free range eggs (jumbo) 280 g Brown sugar pinch of salt
teaspoon of vanilla extract 165g plain flour 55g Valhrona Cocoa
200g of Dark Callebaut chocolate
Beat the butter, eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla really well in stand mixer. Add the flour and cocoa and continue beating until well combined.
Fold in the chocolate.
Using an icecream scoop divide mixture into tray (I use a brownie tray that has 12 individual squares) .
Bake in oven at 160 for 17 minutes.
If you are using a square pan I bake it for 27 minutes.
Turkish delight. Cut up one packet of Frys indivual Turkish delights. Each round should be cut into quarters. Place 4 quarters in each brownie and slightly push in with a knife.
French Praline
Place one teaspoon of Valrhona French Praline in each Brownies and swirl with the sharp tip of a knife.
Gluten free
Substitute flour for white wings gluten free plain flour
Substitute 200g dark choc for 200 gram of Valhrona Caramelia chocolate
Triple choc
Substitute 200g dark choc, for a mix of dark, milk and white.
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Katie….gosh I love you. I love your raw honesty, your willingness to ‘be a fool’ for the things you are passionate about. Your photography is completely stunning and countless times in my life you have inspired me with your generosity. So blessed to call you my friend. xxx