I can now see how short the time actually is for the opportunities to “all” be together as a family. We think it will no longer be our “normal” when our kids move out of home, but, it comes much earlier than that…things start to consume our weekends…sports, part-time jobs, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends and those times where you all just get to “be” become so much more precious. Then there is the stage where the do grow up, move out and begin new chapters of the lives. When your family is 13 in total it becomes incredible precious to make the most of the time together and to get some family photos at Pallarenda. I loved that it was so important to this Mamma that she arranged it months in advance to ensure that it would happen!
It is a real privileged to be invited into someone’s family for a time. I feel so blessed to see all the different types of family dynamics and relationships. As I drove away from this session the overwhelm I felt was their great love for one another. From the eldest to the youngest…these guys have each other’s back and truly love another. I saw how they cared about each other, teased each other and how they all “belonged’ as a family.
Thank you for inviting me to share one of your rare afternoons that you are all together.
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All Together! This had me teary, for all the right reasons. Love is such a powerful mover and shaker. Thank you for sharing and what stunning moments of ‘togetherness’ you captured!