This family is like family to me.
That fabulous man you see in the photos…he has been my friend since I was 14. We started work at Woolworths on the same day and he has remained as one of my closest friends ever since. That incredible woman you see in the photos…she has been my dear friend since we were 17. I have watched on as she changes her plans, career and continent around her husbands studies/career. They are a team. In every way I see the greatest support and appreciation they have for each other. I love their “realness” and the way they are raising these girls with an absolute freedom to be themselves.
But, let me me tell you how their family photo session rolled this particular afternoon. The fourth and hairiest of all the children decided the shoot would be about her and when the family was all ready for their photo she walked right in front and sat down! There was princess dresses, the biggest of Christmas ribbons in their hair, fruit ninjas, pebble skimming, sister’s fighting, bomb diving and everything in between. The youngest found the Lindt chocolate stash and shared them amongst her sisters while her own cheeks her full. When I got home I received a text saying that the girls thought my cameras were cool, but…wait for it…the clothes I was wearing were way cooler!
I love them. If you know them…you will know how fabulous they are too.
** I am forever feeling like I need to add a disclaimer so here it is. I make up words and type the way I speak. I love people well and am terrible at all things grammar. If I have to focus more time on one it is always going to be loving people…so I hope you are able to love me through my weaknesses. x
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