Caitlin had contacted me in regards to a newborn photo shoot when their twins came home.
Their homecoming day was slightly delayed and I saw the opportunity to document this important (and hard) time of their lives.
I knew this wasn’t Caitlin and Josh’s forever. Travelling up and back from the hospital several times a day to be with the babies – all while juggling normal life as much as you can in this situation.
With time, the memories of these days would soon be filled with the normality of their newborn babies being in their home.
I haven’t been to the special care unit since my nephew had been born over twenty years ago. Needless to say, I felt so incredibly privileged to be able to enter such a place of vulnerability.
Josh and Caitlin’s absolute confidence with their newborn twin boys amazed me.
They had routine and knowledge far beyond what I could have imagined I would have had.
Their three-year-old daughter matched them in their relaxed state and loved on each newborn equally – holding, kissing, feeding and watching them.
It is a gift to observe families; to document the unbelievable and wonderful job they are doing so naturally.
And then to deliver images that show them exactly that through my eyes.
Through my images, you will see joy, love, connection and teamwork.
And that is exactly what they are.
Want to see more newborn gorgeousness? Click to meet Aaliyah or Sofia.
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