It was leading up to the hottest day in Townsville, but this had no impact on going ahead with our in home family photography session. Harry welcomed me larger than life and immediately made me feel like a part of their family. It is a privilege to sit on someones floor, notice the unique beauty of their family and document it. We hung out together in their lounge room doing what they do on a Sunday afternoon together.
They laughed, they snuggled, they watched Peppa Pig and Nemo (Holly’s favourites). The playfulness and constant generosity of Harry when he shares his special frozen custard and drinks with his big brothers. Joy that beams as bright as sunshine from the youngest Holly. Gentle patience and love the two eldest brothers have for their younger siblings. Connections and unspoken understanding and grace between siblings. A deep and rich love Des and Jodie have for one another…one that represents an unshakable strength and unity between them. While noticing all this there is so much laughter and fun amongst them.
They get each other, love each other, are grateful for each other. They truly are there for one another.
My heart was so incredibly blessed to hang out with these people.
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