An afternoon playing at the beach || Family Photos
A well planned out family photo shoot for an afternoon on the beach will only get you so far…and what comes after… that is what I wait for.
Kathyrn and I had chatted on the phone and Kathyrn had a clear photo in mind that she was hoping for. A photo of their family looking at the camera. She was even so thoughtful to send me a similar photo that she had seen.
When I saw the photo, I called her. I explained that she has 4 incredible children, this family had one, and that whilst I will do my best to get the shot, my sessions are relaxed, and I really want everyone to be having fun. Kathryn was beautiful and she totally understood. We went ahead with the planning.
The family of six arrived looking gorgeous, the baby of the family wearing a cute outfit, which half of it would end up off…and at the end of the session thankfully those underpants the youngest of the family no longer thought were worth wearing would be re purposed as a bandage for another child.
We got the photo that Kathryn wanted…and then they played. These beautiful independent confident children scattered themselves across the beach and had me running up and down to capture their fabulous action!
Beautiful family photos of them all playing at the beach
The boys wrestled with Dad and the youngest (are you getting the picture here of what a great little character his is) found a wonderful palm fron at least twice the size of him that she thought was a great way of join in the match with his Dad and brothers.
Kathryn gracefully danced and picked up her gorgeous daughter, with her hair like many springs on the windy beach.
Each child was themselves…can you see how the magic happened.
We left as it grew dark and off they went slightly wet and sandy for Sushi. Everyone was fully dressed.
When Kathryn arrived weeks later at my office to view her family photos, she was surprised how much she loved all the photos (having in her head that it was the initial requested photo that she most wanted), the random, the crazy, the fun, the gentleness, the inquisitiveness, the playfulness…the imperfect perfect that shows a story of their glorious family each as themselves.