I love getting to travel to the photo location with my families when possible. And this day? We went to the beach!
After some lifestyle photos in their home, we piled into the 4WD and set off to Pallarenda.
Side note: I think anyone who can drive a manual 4wd deserves a “Champion” coffee cup. My husband (and children) do not like me driving his!
We arrived at the beach and it was “all go” for my new three-year-old friend, Trent.
This boy is pure joy. He is fun-filled and all action, and had all the girls in laughter.
Jasmine and Scarlett are light and love. Their eyes are filled with shine and sparkle.
These girls have a rich heritage of amazing women who go before them, and they are abundantly blessed.
These gorgeous three children have the most magnificent example of brave, selfless, courageous, tender love in their incredibly beautiful Mum, Faith.
The afternoon was filled with singing, dancing, climbing and laughing. Oh, and the occasional distributing of sand by Trent towards his sisters, or my camera.
So needless to say, it was my greatest pleasure that I got to hang out with these four and capture all the gloriousness that they are.
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Beautiful. I just love how you describe them. Made me all emotional xxx