A common concern for parents is, will their children behave during their photo shoot. This was Caitlin’s greatest concern with their puppy Millie! Everyone says don’t work with children or animals… I wouldn’t swap it and love any challenge it brings! Caitlin for warned that Millie didn’t like having her photo taken. I didn’t quite realise how true her statement was! I have never met a dog that was so happy to look directly at me until I lifted the camera to my face and she would turn the other way! They had come prepared and given me a bag full of treats (and there was variety in that bag too!). When I would offer Millie a liver treat she would again turn her nose away with no interest in my bribes. Thankfully whether Millie knew she was participating or not, we got several gorgeous images of her.
Caitlin and Mitch are a dynamic couple. They enjoy all the same passions of adventure, camping, fishing, fun and their greatest love (apart from each other) is little Millie. Within minutes of meeting them, I found myself thinking how much their parents must be over the moon that they are together. The joy they have and the way they care for each other. Both Mitch and Caitlin glow positivity. Nothing is a problem, everything is an opportunity for more adventures and let’s see how we can make the most of every opportunity. That is the mindset I kept hearing during our time together about life. And in particular their soon to be move to Sydney.
Please dont stay in Sydney too long Caitlin and Mitch…come back so I can journey with you guys…you are so much fun x
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